Okay, since I'm clearing up a lot of fun stuff on the blog, I might as well ask: any of y'all with a blog, can you advise me on feeds? Where do I sign up? Do I need to sign up? Er... how do people use these?
I'm very good on
illegally bittorrenting magically procuring television programs and using everything on Firefox but I have to admit that the feed thing kind of passed me by. Help!
Labels: help
Hi Mel
I'm by no means an expert but you can publish an RSS feed with some third party programs like Feedburner.
It is simple to register and then claim your blog. Feedburner can convert what blogger puts out & make it readable by many other "readers." Using a service will give you some metrics on how many subscribers you have & you can get nifty widgets for your website if you like to brag about how many readers you have.
Although most of us can already subscribe to your built in RSS feed (I'm one of those folks).
You can use a service like Bloglines to subscribe to a variety of RSS feeds from blogs. http://www.bloglines.com/
I recently did this and one nice feature is that when someone you read regularly posts there is a bold (2) number that shows how many new posts are there for you to read. You can simply read them in Bloglines or click the hyperlink to goto the blog. In some cases I'm finding that the formatting in the reader is better than me using internet explorer (yes I'm one of those folks) to look at the post directly.
Hope this is helpful.
Cathy, at 10:02 PM
Meg, yikes and an apology for mis-spelling your name above. :(
Cathy, at 10:04 PM
Just wanted to second what Cathy said above. I use Bloglines to read blogs, and use Feedburner to publish my feed (so I can see stats on readership, etc.) but people can also just subscribe to the feed that my (and your) blog software automatically generates. (I already subscribe to your feed and read your site that way.)
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM
Aha! Okay, that makes sense. I may have to try that sort of thing myself; too many blogs, too little time. Thanks, you guys!
Meg, at 10:15 AM
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